Friday 17 February 2017

Freelance Presentation Analysis

Public liability Insurance
From this presentation, I learnt what Public Liability Insurance is. It is basically the way you can claim insurance if a member of the public suffers an injury or property is damaged due to your business. It helps to pay for compensation or other legal expenses, making it a necessity for businesses, especially in the manual labour and performing arts industry. It is not a legal requirement, however it is heavily recommended. As a performer, I plan to create my own theatre company as a part of my career, meaning this would be an essential, especially for a new company in the industry, not likely to have a lot of money.

Contract Law
A contract law is what secures an actors contract, agreed with a director or company, as mentioed in the presentation it is useful to have an agent and accountant to assist you if any issues uccour and to help check contracts, amking sure you are fully equipt and prepared to agree to a contract. 

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