Sunday 19 February 2017


GC4-  Overall I really enjoyed the So Sing! performance and thought it went really well. I used my confidence and connections with the group to show emotions for the songs, for example in the finale song we improvise clapping and simple dancing just having fun and because all of our smiles were genuine it makes for a better performance. I used focus in my facial expressions to show seriousness in the lower parts of the medley which created a contrast. During the split sections using countermelodies I kept my beat and to my lyrics really well and had no trouble being able to project enough to hear myself over others singing the other part next to me. This is the same as the harmonies, especially in the final couple of lines of the piece, we sang the chorus of 'Keeping Your Head Up' accapella, which included some really smooth harmonies, which was really effective and had a massive impact after the performance.
This contrasts heavily to when we performed this same piece again at a meeting with all of the staff at college, presenting the department because of the impressive reputation we have developed. The audience were less involved, didn't clap and smile along like the previous audience, which was slightly off putting, however I and my ensemble maintained our composition and flair. This is due to them not being the type of people that would normally be involved in the arts, however we wanted to show them our skills and impress them. I found it harder to make eye contact with this audience whilst performing my solo, which meant it may have looked as though I lost focus throughout. 

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