Sunday 19 February 2017


GC4- Upon reflection of the performance, I feel it went really well. My duet/group piece, I Want It All had a lot more energy and group communication than expected. I interacted well with my audience despite being apprehensive, but when I got i=n stage I took it professionally and made consistent eye contact with audience members and had a confident flair about me throughout. In our whole cast pieces, Radio GaGa and We Are The Champions, our collaborative creative skills were shown well, during one of the songs one cast member was in the wrong positioning, however through efficient non verbal communication between us all we made it look as if it was intentional, and had a very professional approach to the issue. I really pushed all of my characterisation, using exaggeration and large gestures when not doing choreography. This pushed other cast members to build energy and confidence also. In the workshop I found it hard to create and be motivational for the students as they didn't really want to get involved, however Sam and I maintained our professional status and composure, asking the students in our group questions that appropriately allowed them to contribute well to the ensemble and imaginative idea for the workshop. This also allowed for the more shy students in the group to be full involved, which is really important if you want everyone involved, listening to everyone's ideas allows for more diversity

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