Monday 2 January 2017

First Full Run Through (Off Cast)

This is the first time I have run my teacher lines. This character is quite simple minded and has clearly been at least partially brainwashed by Killer Queen and Globalsoft. This is clear in her enthusiasm for the Globalsoft company and Galileo having a job there.
When doing the scene I cut off Khashoggi and Galileo a few times because I wasn't relaxed on stage. I was worrying about my lines and thought I knew them less than I did. I need to review my Que lines to ensure this doesn't happen in the show. However, I feel much more confident about these scenes and know what I need to work on.

Because we didn't quite finish the run through I didn't get to rehearse all of my ensemble parts, the songs I did get to rehearse went well. Killer Queen hasn't been full choreographed yet, so I could not perform it fully but I did try to pick up the chorus part and I knew the lyrics and parts better than I thought. This is the same for Play the Game. In both of these I play a Yuppie, one of Killer Queens robotic creations, meaning I have to show plain emotion but make sure it looks fake and harsh. This is quite challenging, and when making eye contact with others I tended to loose my character but as the song goes on I get into character better, especially when performing a song I am confident with.
I have been working with my double casted Brit, Jaydee, as we both play the same parts and have the same roles in dances because we can swap easily. We teach each other what we choreograph or block for on and off cast. We have been working on Jaydee's characterisation, and she has been helping with some of the choreography. This is really useful as I get to work with her one on one, and giving her advise helps my character too, whilst being able to see an interpretation of Brit and the Teacher to mine.

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