Sunday 27 November 2016

Text Stimuli

For this lesson we had to find and bring an example of a piece of text that provokes a reaction out of us that can be used as a stimuli for choreography. I choose an article on how period pains effect women in the workplace, their needs and issues. I found this brought out mostly anger and frustration, and also empathy for people that are suffering similarly to me. I can personally connect with the defending statements made in the text and feel we deserve better rights on the expenses and the way it is treated.
This is a collection of ways that we can use text to create movement:

  • Imagery
  • Location
  • Positive and negative faces
  • Tone
  • Rhythm pf the text using the punctuation
  • General theme
  • The people discussed in it, their gender, status, personality
  • Key words, actions, voice, movements
This is my article, I have highlighted key words or phrases I would use to choreograph and explained this. 
 Pain- Physical and facial display of pain, grabbing abdominal area
Work- Repetition showing progress of pain
Sick- Illness gestures
Nine out of 10- Majority of pain in a group dance
Suffering in silence-Grabbing mouths, restrictive
Should be more open- One understanding individual
Terribly- Exaggerated and excessive facial expressions
Shy- Fragile/fear
Drop- Floorwork
Low- Levels
Overwhelmed- Getting crushed, arm movements
Surge- Rush of movement
Struggle- Physically struggling & facial expressions
Remove her womb- Not motherly, having something taken away

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