Monday 28 November 2016

Working Actor Wisdom Company

Working Actor Wisdom ( ) is a one to one support service from people that have had first hand experience in the field

This site is for...
  • Actors who lack in the skills they need to develop their career, such as social media, business and audition skills.
  • Actors who want to boost their chances of getting lead, recurring and series regular parts from supporting or guest star level.
  • Actors who are new to working in areas such as New York and Los Angeles, who need help to settle in and get to know how to work in that environment.
How the site helps...
  • To give upcoming actors more confidence in there career and how to get to where you want to go.
  • To encourage actors to feel comfortable and confident in the audition room and know how to work with the camera, audience and script.
  • To give the actr an equal amount of confidence in marketing, auditions and self promotion as they do in acting.

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