Monday 2 January 2017

Initial Look Into Costume - Why Do We Dress The Way We Do?

The main focus of this lesson was to look into the costume unit for this year. As we will be designing some costumes for We Will Rock you, we need to analyse different items, colours and styles of clothing. Therefore we decided to look at our own outfits in small groups.
Amber Isabel and I discovered that none of us really conform to mainstream styles. We found that comfort is an important aspect of all of our dress senses and self confidence has a lot to do with what we choose to wear. For example Isabel stated that what she wears often gives her more confidence, and that she wants other people to inspired to have confidence to wear what they want. Her style is mainly based on creativity, colours/patterns, comfort and an independent style. This reflects her personality, in that she is an interesting and creative person, but remains sophisticated when necessary. She has a natural flair about her, and doesn't like to be boring.
Amber is more simple, she likes simplicity but with an accessory, and says that her hair is definitely one. She will see something she likes and make sure she has it, but wears it in her own way. She likes a signature belt or jeans and likes to be bold. This simplicity doesn't reflect her personality in that she is a simple or boring person, she isn't, however she is organised and tidy, as seen in her outfit choices.
I found that my style is low maintenance on a daily bases, reflecting a laid back feel, however if I want to I like to make lazy seeming fashion staples look classier or more 'dressed up', such as converse or dungarees. I also recently have enjoyed using glitter products in my hair or makeup, also linking with a creative loose feel, and not keeping with any current trends. Like Isabel, I like to do my own thing and go with how I am emotionally feeling each day.

This is a collection of thoughts about our personal style, after discussion-

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