Thursday 27 April 2017

Contacts Database

In my first year of working as a freelance actor, I would need a lot of contacts with industry professionals and links with companies to be able to be successful-

I would need a photographer to be able to have sufficient professional headshots. Without these I may not be able to audition for certain parts in shows as most auditions require a headshot. Having a headshot also allows me to promote myself through social media, and have a high quality photograph of myself on my actors CV.

I used this article ( )to find the best photographer. I chose one based in London due to this being where the hot spot of the performing arts industry is, and most successful actors live there.

As he was rated the best, I have chosen 'Nick James Photography'. He has a very simple and easy to use website, displaying two simple deals to choose from. His prices are high, however in comparison to other actors photographers, the packages he offers are the best. The first package option costs £425, for which you get 800+ pictures, two  of them being retouched professionally, which as he says in his website, is really worth it if you want to stand out. This all takes place over the course of up to 3 and a half hours, with a relaxed atmosphere allowing the client to change clothes, shave, change their hair and makeup. He offers different backdrops to look as if they are outside, or in a studio, to create variety.
The second package is up to 2 and a half hours, and gives 400+ pictures, still with two being retouched. This costs £320.
Another reason I would choose this photographer is because he has a discount o  everything he offers, generally of £20, for students and returning clients. This is really useful for me as I am still a student and need to save money where I can.
He tells us in his website that he trained and worked as an actor himself, attending GSA for 3 years after 2 years of art college.
Because this photographer is quite expensive, I would consider asking photography students to take my headshots to start with, this allows them to add to their portfolio, and for experience, most likely making it free of charge, however they may ask for a small fee, which wouldn't be unreasonable.

As a professional actor, I would need to have an agent, to be able to find professional work and audition oppertunities. Agents charge a percentage of what you earn, and will help you, or themselves find work that is suited to your skills as a performer.

To find the best agents and agencies in London, I used this site to help me. Althought this is dated 2016, this was the most up to date article I could find during my research- I used this to find agencies suited to me as an actor, at some point in my career.

Firstly I found Conway Van Gelder Grant, used by many very famous actors such as Joanna Lumley, Benedict Cumberbatch and Helena Bonham Carter. Obvuiuosly this is not an agency I would aim for in my first year of freelance acting, howevr it is an agency I would want to strive to be a part of after years of experience and building myself a reputation. The 'about us' page on their site states that they have sucessfully been representing actors and voice actors for over 40 years, in Soho, followed by a list of contacts for performers. This site is also used by directors and casting directors, their site includes a page of actors associated with the agency, with headshots and voice samples for them to observe.

The second agency I found United Agents, London's largest well known agency. Their clients range from new upcoming performers, to well known stars such as James Corden, appealing to actors, costume designers, directors and authors for TV, film, music and theatre. This agency appeals to me as a performer due to them accpeting clients of any age, aiming for any area of the industry. This site is effecive as it has a page about their clients recent sucesses, showig how good the agency reallt is. It also offers many different forms to contact them in, making them easily accessable. This would be a goood agency to start with for me, as it is well known, and would potentially accept me as a client.

I would need an accountant to take care of all of my financial issues, as long as I keep any reciepts, bank statements and invoices that you have used to be a perfomer, such as transport costs, food, costumes, any hair or makeup products that you have funded yourslef for projects. An accountant will help you to claim back VAT. It also covers more substantial things like sheet music, plays in the form of scripts or books, show reels, prints, and even postage ans stationary. 

This site- is specfically appealing to actors, and I would personanaly consider this accountancy company as they are offering 10% discount in the first year, and as a new performer, any discount is reallt important as I will not have a lot of money. The site is very simple, all you have to do is give them simple contact details and a small message about the type of accountancy you need, and allow them to get back in contact with you about woroking together. This seems perfect for young performers as it does not take a lot of professional contacts or anything to sign yourself up. 

I also found Baimbridge Accountants- who are a lot cleaner and more professional, and is the type of company I would aim to work with later on in my career. They clearly state that they leave the creative things to the actor, and allow themseves to deal with the number for you. They clearly state what they provide, as well as offering free consoltations, alongside a phone number and adress, on each page of their website, making them easy to access.