Thursday 1 December 2016

Organisational Skills Audit

Time management
3- I would give myself a 3 out of 5 because I regularly plan my time, and make lists of things that need doing, however I often struggle to keep to these. I need to improve on my focus to be able to stick to a schedule.
The time management skills that I have, have been developed throughout my years of education. I have always kept to list making and when I stick to it, I am successful. Whereas when I become careless I can get behind and struggle to keep on top of things. My blog work in college is  good example of how important it is for me to keep to plans.
Keeping Calendars
3- Luckily I have a good memory when it comes to dates, as I do not have a calendar. This is something I will have to invest in if I am going to become a freelance performer or go into the industry. This is important as I will need to remember lots of important dates that I do not have in common with others around me, this independence is not something I am currently used to.
My confidence in remembering dates is a natural skill.
4- In a team, I naturally take a leadership/creative ideas role, meaning I am always contributing ideas. If I am not as confident in a new group of people however, this can let me down. I need to improve on my general socializing skills in order to establish relationships with new people in situations such as auditions and workshops.
My team working skills have always been important in my education, I need to be able to create pieces quickly and work with anyone and everyone at all times. Also in my dance out of school and college, needing to choreograph and practice in groups. When I was younger I had a lot of confidence issues and always found these things challenging, now, this is something I am glad of as I always looked up to people with the confidence to lead and contribute and I now know how to do this well.
Social Networking
4- Maintaining my social networking sites for my professional actors accounts is something I enjoy, I have an Instagram account with regular updates of my projects and past works. I am yet to create a Facebook and Titter account as I use these less for my personal accounts. My website is still in the creating process.
Social networking is something I do for my personal life, making it much easier to use for my professional accounts. I know what kinds of hashtags to use to get attention from the right people. My bio has my contact info, my playing age (14-24) and where I am located. This means agents can look at my account and get the necessary information they need if they would be interested in me.
3- When emailing people, I find I am more than capable of being formal enough and being able to determine the seriousness of the message. I often find myself postponing replying to important emails such as audition offers and meeting arrangements. I need to start to reply as soon as I get them.
I feel my level of confidence in sending formal emails stems from one of my units last year, Performing Arts Business, in which we studied how to create a theatre company and the complications of being an industry professional. Getting in contact with professional companies gave me the confidence and introduction to this in a situation in which I could make mistakes and learn from them.
Not Procrastinating /Motivation/Self-Discipline
2- This is something I really need to improve on. I lack the self-encouragement to get things done in time and efficiently. I need to learn to stick to the schedules I create for myself and get things done when they need it instead of leaving it to the last minute. However, when it comes to rehearsals I can often keep on task with ease, being focused on something like this is a lot easier than writing for me.
This is something I have always had, I am improving my motivation with target setting for myself and telling others about my deadlines, keeping them in my brain better.
5- Listing my tasks in order of importance is something that I do regularly, I am a visual learner, therefore being able to see my tasks in colour on paper makes things a lot easier for me.
Ordering my tasks in level of priority so that I get the most urgent things done the quickest is a skill I have developed through trial and error. There are some tasks I know that take longer than others for me.
Keeping to Deadlines
3- As much as I keep to my deadlines best I can, I often end up doing some of it at the last minute, I work best under pressure but I need to start my work earlier on than I do now.
Working under pressure is a skill that I value considering my hopeful career path. I may have to create things in a short amount of time and I will be able to maintain calmness well throughout.
Target Setting
4- Setting targets for myself has become my way of motivating myself I have found that If I set my own targets and goals I am much more likely to complete them. Working at my own pace like this keeps me calm and I get a better sense of achievement after.
This has developed over time, I have tried many forms of target setting and ways to be motivated and I have found this worked the best throughout college coursework, line learning, choreography and in my personal life.